How to Minister to God Himself

And he appointed certain of the Levites to minister before the ark of the LORD, to make the petition, to give thanks, and to praise the LORD God of Israel. (1 Chronicles 16:4, KJV)

When discussing ministry, we often visualize meeting people’s spiritual and physical needs. True, this is a facet of ministry. Yet, there’s another dimension that many believers might not yet fully appreciate. This dimension involves ministering not just to fellow humans but directly to the Lord Himself.

Ministry is about serving to meet others’ needs. We serve God by meeting people’s spiritual needs, primarily their need for salvation through the Gospel. But the ministry also encompasses meeting people’s physical needs. As we serve others, we’re indirectly ministering to the Lord.

But we can minister to the Lord Himself directly. However, God, unlike humans, is self-sufficient. He has no needs as we do. Thus, the Psalmist pondered, “What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me?” (Psalm 116:12, KJV). Everything on earth, including our lives and bodies, belongs to the Lord. So, what can we genuinely offer Him? The scriptures give us a clue. In John 4:23, Jesus reveals that the Father seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and truth.

Blessed with prophetic insight, David comprehended this longing in God’s heart even in the Old Testament era. He designated singers to minister before the Ark when he brought the Ark into Jerusalem. Their sole task was to serve the Lord through praise, thanksgiving, and worship. David instinctively knew how to touch God’s heart without requiring explicit instructions.

Embrace this higher ministry wholeheartedly. As you continue serving God by ministering to people, commit yourself entirely to ministering to the Lord Himself by offering spiritual sacrifices of worship, praise, and thanksgiving.


What does ministering to the Lord entail?

Apply the Word

Have you been serving the Lord directly? Remember, you are the true priest God anticipates. Serve before His Ark, the holy presence within you!


Ask the Lord to guide you in taking this aspect of ministry to heart.

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