The unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace
Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3 KJV)

Paul exhorts the Ephesians to do everything in their power to maintain the unity of the Spirit through a bond which he identifies as peace. We will briefly review the two key phrases in this verse: the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace.
The unity of the Spirit describes the oneness of the people of God functioning as One Body, Christ Himself! There is one body and one spirit that form one Man, the Man Jesus Christ on earth! We are His body, and just as the different parts of our body are part of one body, the other believers are part of the same Body. There is just one Spirit that keeps the Body alive and operational. The unity of the believers is more profound than our superficial doctrinal or denominational differences.
He goes further to describe the bond or what keeps the different parts together as one body. Joints and ligaments hold together the different regions of the physical body. The joints and ligaments that hold the different parts of the Body of Christ together are peace and love (Colossians 3:14).
Peace amongst believers is of utmost importance to the Lord. It is more important than the superficial differences of doctrine, denomination, theological stand, or ministry. Allow nothing ever to make you stand against another believer or minister. Peace in the Body is precious in the Lord’s eyes.
Read more: Even Satan knows the power of unity.
What is the meaning of the bond of peace as described above? Please take a moment to ponder and mutter the verse above, considering the devotional above.
Let this truth sink deep into your heart! Believers fighting against believers or ministers attacking other ministers is a spiritual disaster. Even if we are correct, we must never oppose or attack another believer or minister. If we do, we are fighting against Christ.
Ask the Father to help you never break the bond of peace that unites us together.
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The Unity of the Spirit.
An unthinkable unity is coming!
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