No Room for Him in the Inn

“And she gave birth to her first-born son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn” (Lk. 2:7 NAS).

Joseph, and his pregnant wife, Mary, were on their way to Bethlehem to be registered, as per the King’s commandment, when Mary went into labor. There was no ER or 911 to bring them the medical help they needed. Jesus had to be born in an inn that was so full they did not even have a room left for the pregnant couple!

Bethlehem had no room for the Savior to be born. During this Christmas season, Jesus is not asking for a room in your house or in a fancy hotel. He wants a room in your heart. He is standing at the door of our hearts and knocking, waiting for us to open. Would you open your heart to the Savior today? As you surrender the control of your life to Him, you make room in the inn of your heart.


Isn’t it amazing that God Himself was born in a town with no room for Him? Think about His humility.


Tell the Lord in prayer today that you have a room for Him in the inn of your heart.


Do something about the Word you hear. Maybe it is the room of your attitudes, money, job, family: Whatever you are controlling by what you want and desire instead of what He wants is a room that needs to be given to Him. Give the Lord all the rooms of your heart today!


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