The Proof of What We Truly Believe

For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also (James 2:26, KJV)

Spirit of faith showing a man walking on lightning in the air!

The Spirit changed my world of faith for the better when He showed me how much I thought I believed the Word that I did not. I have shared this story on several occasions as I teach on faith during Deshen Live Bible studies. When I began to re-examine my heart more closely by the grace the Spirit gave me, it became apparent that I had a lot of work to do with my faith.

What is the proof of our faith or the evidence we believe the Word? We do not need a prophet to prophesy and reveal the answer to us. The answer lies in what we do. Our works, as James 2:26 says, prove what we really believed. Jesus put it differently: you will recognize them by their fruits. Our actions betray what we believe, regardless of whether we know it. 

The works of faith are not some grand spiritual steps we take to prove we have believed. What would you do if your employer said they would promote you and double your salary? Will your actions change from work at that moment? The probable response is yes. The news will fill your face with smiles, and you will sing, jump, call a couple of people, etc.  Those are the deeds of faith. You need not try to prove you have believed something the Word says. Instead, acting to prove to your boss in the example above that you believed it might be enough to show you did not believe what they told you. The results of faith are the ordinary things you do, say, or even think that result from what you truly believe. 

Read more: Believers perplexed and confused about believing.

Watch : The mystery of believing.

How can you tell you have believed the Word? 

When we believe, it will naturally emerge in how we feel, think, talk and act. With these fruits, you will find out what you really believe. Beware of supposing that you are a man or woman of faith when the Spirit thinks otherwise. 

Ask the Father for help in building and strengthening your faith.

Read more

What is the Shield of Faith?
Define Faith-A practical definition.
Highly recommended: What is a devotional?
View all Deshen Daily devotionals including today’s devotional.
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  1. All these are just so deep and spiritual eyes opener. This in particular has really bless my spiritual life. My faith/belief in the Word of God has just witnessed upward sudden growth. May God continue to use you for us all even including millions who you don’t know. I pray we shall see in heaven sir.

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