Step from believing to faith this year
“For with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation” (Rom. 10:10 NAS).
Some believers might not be aware that believing and faith are not the same things. In fact, there might be many who believe and wrongly think they are operating in faith. Faith is critical for our victory over all the plights of life (1 John 5:4).
The scripture above identifies two key components of faith, identified with our hearts and our mouth. These two components, believing and acting, constitute what faith is. When both of these are present, that is faith. When you believe but do not do anything, you are not yet in faith and will not get any results. When you act without first believing in your heart, you are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. Believe and allow what you believe to show up in what you say and do. That is what faith is.
Can you see the two steps in the scripture above that constitute faith?
This devotional is to encourage you to move from believing to acting. Has the way you talk and act changed because of what you have believed? If not, you are still believing and not yet in faith. Are you believing God for something this year? Are you speaking the Word you believe and doing anything as a result of what you believe? If not, release your faith today by doing and speaking what you believe.
You cannot pray for more faith. Faith is not an answer to prayer. Pray here that God will show you where in your life you might still be in belief while expecting results without faith.
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