The place of work in financial prosperity

He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread: but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough.  (Proverbs 28:19 KJV)

Works the works of God showing a man in boots

Today is Day 7 of our miniseries on what the Lord says about money!  Yesterday, we discussed the place of giving in financial prosperity.  Let us review the place of work in what God has told us in the scriptures regarding financial prosperity.

Solomon said above that the one who tills his land shall have plenty of bread. This is a natural principle. Work is needed to make the earth produce a harvest. It is not a Christian principle. It is not based on faith or the direct financial blessing of God. It is based on how God has set the earth and the world to operate. There are at least two other critical roles of work to review here.

The blessing of God is a spiritual thing and not natural. The blessing of God functions through the natural principle of work. That is, the blessing works as you till your land to make you receive more than normal what work would do.

Work is the principal means by which you can do something to meet the needs of others. Money is a reward for meeting the needs of people. Bill Gates tilled his land and met a need with a computer. Walmart in the United States is meeting the needs of millions through their grocery store. There is a land you have with millions of dollars in it. The question is whether your land is tilled or not.


Are you tilling your land? Is the blessing over your life hanging in the air without any land in your live it can land on?


When you till your land and rain (the blessing) falls on it, there will be an abundance of harvest! Money is the reward for the work you do that meets the needs of others.  Apply this devotional: till your land.


Ask the Father to help you till the land He has given you to till.

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Lesson 2: Reading Through the Bible

Approaches to Bible Study Course ABS102 underway. Lesson 1 “Reading Through the Bible Part 1” just completed and uploaded. This is an essential lesson so please take a moment to review the lesson PDF and watch the Video. Part 2 Scheduled for next Saturday 11AM Central Time!

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