The place of giving in financial prosperity

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.  (Luke 6:38 KJV)

cheerful giving showing a woman giving a gift cheerfully

Welcome to Day 6 of Deshen Daily miniseries on divine prosperity! My purpose in this series is to give you the correct biblical perspective of what God has said about money and riches in the Bible. You should know everything God has said, and put everything in the correct perspective. That includes giving.

Jesus’s statement in Luke 6:38 hardly needs any detailed explanation. He tells us, giving has a boomerang effect. There is a reward to generosity. As I have mentioned before, giving is a critical aspect of what God has shown us in scripture regarding financial prosperity. If you want to know the blessing of God that comes over your finances, then you need to become a giver at heart.

Giving is releasing resources you have to benefit or profit someone else. The New Testament lays a disproportionate emphasis on helping your fellow brother or sister around you. You can also give to support the work of God or those who are in need around you. Giving is not limited to sowing seeds to some ministry.

You have heard me taught before that giving has been grossly abused and distorted in many ways. However, we must not make the mistake of rejecting giving because false, fake or greedy ministers are abusing it for their profit. The Lord has clearly commanded us to give and He shows us there is a material reward associated with it. 


Please reread Luke 6:38, and think carefully about what Jesus was saying in this verse.


Giving has a place in God’s financial prosperity plan for you. Grow in this grace of giving to meet the needs of people around you. As you have learned in this series so far, giving is not everything but certainly has a place.


Ask the Father to help you become a giver at heart who is touched by the needs of other people.

Spiritual riches showing coins around the earth

The Blessing and the Work of our Hands

If you struggle with what God says about becoming financially prosperous, this teaching is just crafted for you! Please do not only watch or listen. Take it in.

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Approaches to Bible Study Course Lesson 2

Lesson 2 of our new Course on Approaches to Bible Study is scheduled this Saturday at 11AM Central Time! Get Ready to take your Bible Study to the next level!

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