The Lord is not slack concerning His promise

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9 KJV)

the lord is not slack concerning his promise showing a lion in the cloud

Peter’s words above are a timely reminder for us in these days in which we live.  He was addressing a rumor spreading amongst Christians regarding the second coming of the Lord because it was delayed. Some were asking if Jesus was going to come back as He had promised. Remember, this is more close to 2000 years ago! 

When Jesus said He was coming, He meant just that, He was going to come back. In fact, the angels that spoke to the disciples in Acts 1 when Jesus ascended before their eyes said He will come back in the same way as they saw Him go up, meaning He will physically descend in plain sight.

When promises such as His coming are delayed, things can get off hand on our side if we are not careful. Scripture says the love of many will grow cold. We might sometimes be tempted to becoming weary or just tired of living for God in the midst of the increasing godlessness and sin. Peter reminds us that the Lord is not slack concerning His promise. He is patient towards us. He does not want people to perish in eternal destruction in the lake of fire.

Do not grow weary. Do not be anxious about the darkness in the world, for your light will subdue it. The Lord is coming as He said. It may not happen during your lifetime, but  you will meet Him soon in any case.


Think for a moment about what happens to you when the fulfillment of a promise from God is delayed.


Do not allow discouragement of any kind to fill your heart at any time. The world around us is getting worse, but we are shining brighter and brighter.


Ask the Spirit for a fresh breath of encouragement, hope and inspiration!

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