Unto Us a Child is Born

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9:6 KJV)

The prophecy above was made about seven hundred years before Jesus was born. God was saying that a Child would be born who would change the course of history. Notice it says that “a child”—not “an angel”—will be born. A man brought doom to all of humanity and it would take a man to bring humanity back home. A child was going to be born that would change human history.

Jesus was born a child, as any other man, but He grew up to become a full-grown man! Strangely enough, many people still think of Jesus as “baby Jesus.” No! Christmas is a unique season to remind us that God’s promise in Genesis 3:15 to use a child born of a woman to destroy Satan and his devices has been fulfilled. His birth speaks of His humanity, like one of us, though fully God! The scripture above calls Him the “mighty God” and “everlasting Father”!


Consider how faithful God is to fulfill His Word given thousands of years ago.


Thank the Father for the grace bestowed upon us, for sending the Savior to be born as one of us.


If God kept His Word to send a Child to save humanity almost six thousand years after it was first spoken in Genesis 3:15, He will certainly keep His Word of promise to you! Hold on to God’s faithfulness today. What do you expect from Him? Cease to worry; thank Him for His faithfulness in keeping His Word.

Recommended Read: Jesus has Crushed Satan for Us 

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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