Building intimacy with the Holy Spirit through Fellowship
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord (Ephesians 5:19, KJV)

What if by the end of this year, your intimacy with the Holy Spirit has taken a drastic upward turn so that His presence becomes a daily reality and His voice in your heart becomes palpable? I have good news for you. This is not only possible, but God is longing to see you come to this place of practical fellowship.
The verse above says, “making melody in your heart to the Lord.” In simple terms, it means making music or singing in your hearts to the Lord. So you can sing or make melody in your heart to the Lord, whereas no one around you even notices a thing! If you understand this simple sentence, then you have set yourself on a path to cultivating such a sweet intimacy with the Spirit that will cause you to live 24/7 in the presence of God. Let me explain further….
The day you received Christ, the Holy Spirit, as a Person, Who is God Himself, came into your spirit. God filled your spirit at salvation and therefore you are always in fellowship with Him in your spirit. However, God can also fill the soul, and the body the same way He has filled the spirit. When God fills the soul( your earthly life), His divine presence steps out of the spirit realm into the natural realm. When God’s presence fills your soul, He becomes palpable to you and those around you. Fellowship in simple terms, simply means being together and talking with each other. You can get into the place where God’s presence so fill your soul that you can literally live 24/7 with the tangible presence of God. You can cultivate this by learning to talk with God and becoming conscious of His presence.
All Christians have the Spirit in their spirits. Not all christians have God filling their souls, which is where the practical aspects come in. There are some Christians that you can literally “feel” God’s presence when you come close to them. The reason you can “feel” this presence is that they have yielded their souls and allowed the Spirit of God to fill their hearts completely. You can learn to invite God’s presence to take over your heart like this. Learn to talk with Him in your heart. It is a practice that will initially require effort from you, but if you cultivate this habit, you will quickly realize that God’s presence can be EXPERIENCED 24/7, not just when we are in some worship service. I will tell you by the Spirit that the Father longs to have this practical fellowship with you. If you will do this simple thing I have shared with you and continue until you take hold of it, many of you will not recognize yourself by December of this year because of the glory of God you will be walking in. This ongoing 24/7 fellowship with the Holy Spirit will change everything.
Do you know that your soul can get in and out of God’s presence while your spirit is permanently in God’s presence? What do you think happens when we are anxious, depressed or full of bitterness in our hearts( soul)? Can you now see the meaning of Jesus’s statement from a practical note that “blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see(experience) God?
You cultivate fellowship by being conscious of His presence and learning to talk with Him in your heart. You can simply say “Lord, I thank you for living in me”. It is this simple, but if you practice these things, your life turn around!
Ask the Spirit to help you build practical fellowship with Him this year.
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Free Mini E-book: From Spiritual Dryness to Flourishing

Great Word to begin the new year with.Easy to practice are by step.I am challenging myself with this this year and will re-evaluate mid year and end of the year.
Thanks for this!
Amen!!! The Lord grant and fulfill that desire. Thank you for sharing that encouraging feedback!