The Holy Spirit is bringing down doctrinal, denominational, and ministry walls in the Body of Christ!
Until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13 ESV)

Do you really believe the scriptures? Test it now with the verse above. Please reread that verse and think about what it says.
It says the Father gave the fivefold ministry to equip the saints( Eph. 4: 11-12) until the saints come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God. It means the fivefold ministry will continue to work until the Lord brings the Body of Christ all over the world to believe one thing about God and have the one and accurate knowledge of the Son of God. In essence, the Father will bring the Church to have one doctrine as our understanding of Him is unified.
If you ever called yourself a man or woman of faith, I want you to test it out with what the verse above is saying! Can that really happen with the current hyper-divisive state of the Church? It looks impossible—to men. But all things are possible to God.
The Father Himself will bring down denominational, doctrinal, and ministry walls that resisted His purposes in our lives. Do you know how He will do that? He will stir the believers by His Spirit IN THEM to start STUDYING His Word for themselves. If only believers will begin questioning what they believe or have been told to think and get INTO THE BIBLE THEMSELVES to answer those questions! If you want to plug into what the Father is doing right now, make up your mind to start getting into the Word of God to test the things you believe.
We are starting the FREE online course “Approaches to Bible Study” this Saturday, June 5 at 11AM Central Time. This is your opportunity to get the skills you need to personally and effectively study the Word of God. Attend anywhere and anytime. For those of you who cannot attend Live, you can always watch the recording free at
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