Serving God effectively without fear

That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life. (Lk. 1:74-75 KJV)

Serving God is our calling as believers. The scripture above says we are delivered out of the hands of our enemies so we might serve God without fear. Serving God is more than “working for God” as many believers know it. You do not have to be in “full-time” ministry to be considered a servant of God. Every single believer has been called to serve God. In the scripture above, serving God was used mainly in the context of serving Him in the duties of the temple, that is, ministering to God. Our highest service to God is not the “work of the ministry” but actually ministering to God Himself, in offering spiritual sacrifices of praise, worship, and thanksgiving. Do not get caught ministering TO MEN and overlook our ministering TO GOD Himself. We are also serving God as we live for Him in holiness and righteousness and by engaging in His vineyard for the great work He has on earth.

If we have to serve God effectively, it must be without fear. Fear disrupts and interferes with our service to God. The fear referred to in the scripture above is of course not the reverential fear of God, but the fear of your enemies. The Jews were serving God in the Temple in the days of Zechariah the priest, who said the words, with fear of the Romans who were ruling over them. Serving God will be greatly hampered when you are caught between pleasing God and pleasing those who have the oppressive rule over you. Today, our enemies are not flesh and blood as Ephesians 6:12 tells us. God knows that you cannot serve two masters. If we have to serve Him effectively, then we must be first delivered out of the hands of our enemies. Service is preceded by deliverance from the hand of your enemies. You and I also know that you cannot serve God when sin still rules your life, or there is some addiction or fear that controls you. You cannot sing and dance for God as you might want to if your body is sick and weakly. As far as God is concerned, He wants you free from every bondage so that you can serve Him freely and without fear or restrictions. That is why sin, disease, poverty, demonic oppression, etc, which are the longstanding enemies of humanity, have been broken so that we can be delivered to serve God without fear.

Your life is for the glory of God. He wants you free so can minister to Him effectively, live for Him fully without fear and be fully engaged in the Father’s business.

Recommended Read: The Shadow of Death

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