The Coming Flood of Financial Prosperity

Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks. (Job 22:24 KJV)

financial prosperity

The Spirit is expressly speaking that God is raising a people that will not only experience His presence and glory like no other human generation that has ever existed on earth, but also that they will see a tremendous level of earthly prosperity.

The time has come for believers to “lay up gold as dust.” When God brought Israel out of Egypt, He promised them a land that flowed with milk and honey. Was that true? Absolutely yes! The Bible speaks of Solomon and says gold was so common in Israel that silver was as trash! (1 Ki. 10:21 KJV). The land was flowing with milk and honey for them! Sadly, the Israelites experienced this tremendous prosperity only for a short time because they despised the Word of God.

Job gives us the secret to this flood of material prosperity in verse 22 when he says “Receive, I pray thee, the law from his mouth, and lay up his words in thine heart (Job 22:22 KJV). If the believer will receive the Word and DO what it says, then earthly prosperity will result. God is raising up millionaires and billionaires who will be filthy rich yet so passionately in love with God. Open your hearts and receive His Word.


Who owns the silver and the gold of the earth? See Haggai 2:8. Declare that “I am giving heed to the Word of God and laying up gold as the dust.”


Not everyone will experience God’s financial abundance. The choice is not God’s but yours. The place that His Word has in your life will determine your outcome. Start receiving and obeying the Word of God today to get yourself ready for a financial avalanche!


Thank the Lord for the promise of His blessings by the works of your hands. Ask the Spirit to help you plant the Seed of seeds, His Word, into your heart to produce a harvest of prosperity.

Recommended Read: The gift of wealth

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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