I Am the LORD that Healeth Thee

I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee (Exod. 15:26 KJV)


Yahweh introduces Himself to the Israelites in our verse today as “the LORD that health thee.” He is Yahweh, Jehovah Rapha or Ropheka (Hebrew) the Lord our Healer. In fact the meaning of this phrase is “I am Yahweh, your Doctor or Physician!” Imagine waiting in your doctor’s office and Someone walks in, and says “I am Yahweh, and I will be your Doctor today!!”

The healing referred to in this text is not “spiritual healing.” It’s the physical healing of the Israelites’ bodies. God can, and does, heal sickness from the body today. He is the Great Physician. It is beyond my comprehension how many find it so unacceptable that God heals the physical human body. Some Christians still doubt God’s will or ability to heal, yet they believe and advocate that He is the very Creator of the human body!

Well, who is better to fix a broken machine than the machine’s inventor? If God created the body and raised the dead, then He certainly can heal the physical body from every illness. It is time for the church to fully accept that God does want to intervene in the affairs of nature to alter the course of events in our lives. We must remove the barrier of unbelief and let Him have His way with us. He is Yahweh, your Doctor!


Take a moment now and ponder over this phrase again and again “I am the LORD that healeth thee.”


You may be certain you have received Jesus as your Savior, but have you also received Him as your Healer and Physician?


Thank the Lord for being your Healer. Pray that He will help you fully understand how to put His healing power to work in your life.

Recommended Read: Divine medication for your body

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