The Church in Babylon
“The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; and so doth Marcus my son.” (1 Pet. 5:13 KJV.)
These two words might not go together from a human standpoint — church and Babylon. However, God has a church in Babylon. Babylon symbolizes the systems of the world under the control of darkness.
God has left us, His children, here in the world, as the church that is in Babylon. What is His expectation? He believes in His Church, believes that she will subdue and conquer Babylon. And even more importantly, He wants us to pull people from Babylon into Zion.
Daniel is living proof that you can live righteously even in Babylon. He proposed in His heart that he would not defile himself with the ungodliness of Babylon. The sad thing that happens to many believers is that they embrace Babylon and even attempt to bring her into Zion. It even gets tricky when the Church goes to Babylon to seek ways of doing things.
One thing we must fully acknowledge is that there is some apparent glory in Babylon. If you bow down to Satan in Babylon (Matt. 4:9,) you might receive some money, fame, and power, but it comes at the price of your soul. You are the church in Babylon, but you are not of Babylon.
The ways of the world in Babylon are clearly detestable to our Lord. Sadly, some believers or even churches, in an effort to “reach out to the world,” have embraced Babylon. The Spirit cautions us: “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.” (Rev. 18:4 NKJ.)
Do you think Daniel faced challenges living in Babylon as a Jew?
Is Babylon in any part of your thinking, your behavior, the things you watch or listen to, the places you go to, etc.? Please come out of her today and get back to Zion!
Ask the Spirit to help you live in Babylon without being spotted by her.
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