Fleshly Christianity: the worst enemy of the Church

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh (2 Corinthians 10:3, KJV)

If I asked you to state what the worst enemies of the Church and our Christian life are, I am certain I will get the usual answers: “satan” or “sin.” There is no doubt these are amongst the top of the list of serious problems the Church is dealing with today. However, permit me to suggest to you that neither demons or sin is the greatest enemy of your Christian life or the Church as a whole. There are two archenemies of your faith: they are the flesh and legalism. I will briefly discuss the first enemy in this devotional.

Fleshly Christianity is the ruin of the Christian Church and your personal Christian walk. What is fleshly Christianity? Well, I have been taking lately on the human spirit and the flesh. In this context, the flesh simply means the human being. In 2 Cor. 10:3 above, the Apostle Paul says we walk in the flesh but do not war after the flesh. Similarly, we can say we do not live after the flesh. That means though we are living in the earth right now like every other human being, we do no live as normal humans live.

The Christian life is an unfathomable mystery characterized by the Spirit. It means God, by His Spirit, lives in a human being. The human being that is you and me is still there but it is the Spirit of God living. However, the Spirit of God can be there, but the human being is the one living and in charge. Fleshly  Christianity is living a Christian life doing things which might even appear good and acceptable but they are not controlled or the work of the Spirit. For example, a man may  really love God and opens a ministry or Church out of love for God but all that he is doing is not from God but from his own mind and heart. You see how tricky it is, don’t you? It is so subtle, but this is the ruin of the Church. The Lord has said it is not by might nor power but by My Spirit. 

The flesh here has nothing to do with living a sinful life. This is where many of us will have problems understanding this. It may not be sinful, but if it is not by the Spirit, it is fleshly and human. You will see how it is possible for us to live or even serve God sincerely, but all of it is nothing other than human or fleshly works. It is really hard for me to explain this most important truth in a short devotional fully. I encourage you to study this subject yourself. Listen to our Glory & Grace Live Bible study recordings on the flesh again as needed. I pray the Lord to enable you not to live for God or serve Him purely out of the flesh but as directed by His Spirit.


Is the flesh the same as the body? 


The worst enemy of your success in your walk with God is not the devil or sin. It is you, the flesh. Satan or sin only have power because of the flesh. If you want to see God’s glory, then you will have to lay aside the flesh and follow the Spirit.


Ask the Lord first of all to give you an understanding of this truth. Secondly, ask the Spirit to help you not to be a “good Christian or minister”  doing things out of your own heart but a Spirit-led Christian. 

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