Spiritual Rainmakers 

Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. (James 5:17–18 KJV)

Rain is water falling from heaven, symbolic of God’s provisions or blessings that make people’s lives flourish on earth. So spiritual rainmakers know how to unleash spiritual rain on the earth; they know how to trigger the supernatural, the heavenly, and the divine, in the affairs of men.

When rain falls on a piece of ground, the grass becomes green, and the trees bear abundant fruit. Our hearts are the ground, and our lives are like trees that respond to God’s rain. If you want to flourish with green leaves and abundant fruit, learn to fill your clouds with rain. Learn to be a spiritual rainmaker (Ecclesiastes 11:3).

Although the scriptures show us several ways of creating spiritual rain, the Apostle James gives us a dramatic picture of an Old Testament rainmaker—Elijah. In addition, James clearly teaches us what Elijah did to make rain fall. Elijah prayed earnestly and prayed again.

Prayer warriors are rainmakers, and prayer is a powerful rain-making activity. Christians who do not pray live in a dry place. And Churches that do not pray are waterless; they might be active, but there will be no water to meet the needs of the people. 

We are living in very troubling and dry times. We need rainmakers: Christians, ministers, and ministries that make rainfall to give water to the thirsty and dying world around us.


What is spiritual rain?

Apply the Word

You do not have to be a prophet, pastor, or minister to be a rainmaker. In fact, some rainmakers will never be on the pulpit, but they are causing rain to fall on churches and communities in their prayer closets. This is not a time to be complacent in your prayer life. Arise, and make it rain.


Ask the Spirit of the Lord to help you rekindle the fire of your prayer life. 

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