The Power of Spiritual Preparation 

            And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men (Matthew 4:19 KJV).

            A triumphant Christian life or effective ministry—like any other undertaking, such as starting a business—is the result of unseen effort. Success is rarely, if ever, accidental; instead, we prepare and purposefully achieve our goals.

            For three years, the twelve apostles followed Jesus around like sheep, watching Him preach, heal and deliver. Unbeknownst to them, as they followed sheepishly, Jesus was preparing them for a ministry that would turn the world upside down. The visible result of the unseen preparatory period is the book of Acts and beyond. 

            As the year commences, heaven receives a barrage of petitions, and paper supplies worldwide dwindle due to an abundance of written New Year’s resolutions! Unfortunately, so few are prepared to fulfill the goals they write down. e.g., some ask for the best wife heaven gives yet are not prepared to love and cherish a woman as Christ loved the Church. Others implore God for that financial breakthrough, yet God sees they are not prepared to handle riches without losing their spiritual sanity.

            Much like how a house is constructed on a solid foundation, proper preparation paves the way for success in any field. Did you pray and ask God that you want to see His glory? Yes, you can, but there is a preparation for that. Or do you plan to have abundance to overcome a perpetual lack of finances once and for all this year? Again, there is a preparation for that. 

            Regrettably, many believers are unprepared to embrace God’s plans for their lives; some are unprepared for what they ask God in prayer and are unaware of it. Prepare ye the way of the Lord in your life!


            Are you prepared for God’s purpose in your life? Is God waiting for something before opening that flood of financial prosperity in your life?

            Apply the Word

            Prepare yourself for that great anointing or ministry God has reserved for you. Similarly, prepare for that marriage, financial success, health, etc.


            Ask the Spirit to help you be ready and always prepared. 

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