We have not Followed Cunningly Devised Fables
For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty ( 2 Pet. 1:16 KJV)

Peter makes a case to assure us that we are not following cleverly devised fables or myths in Christianity. Your faith is not based on some well-crafted religious ideas that appeal to the intellect. He knew of the many ideologies in his days that were circulating even amongst the Jewish people, talk less of the Greeks. He spoke squarely about the days we are living in today. Knowledge has increased, worldviews have multiplied and even religious systems, some with cleverly crafted ideas have emerged. Your faith is not based on fleeting human ideologies but the firm foundation of the revelation of the Son of God.
Peter had an experience of the Son of God. He says he was an eyewitness. Peter experienced in the flesh what we are experiencing in the spirit today. He saw Jesus physically, but we are seeing Him spiritually and having the same experiences of His presence and power. Once you have experienced God, you cease to fret about human opinions or philosophical ideas. You even stop worrying about theological debates. An ounce of divine experience is worth a million tons of empty religious knowledge.
You are not in the wrong place. It may be you have been discouraged lately and doubting if Christianity is “the true religion.” You can rest assured as the Apostle Peter says above, that your faith is not based on cleverly crafted religious ideas by a set of zealous Jews. It is founded on a Rock that is unshakable.
Why do you think Peter could easily allow Himself to be killed for the sake of Jesus? Who certain was he of the things he believed?
You are standing on a sure foundation. Do not hesitate to commit your whole life into the hand of the Lord. You need not be apologetic about your faith. You need not be shy or sluggish in Christ. Throw yourself entirely on Him and be sure He will bear you up securely and victoriously.
Thank the Lord for granting you the blessing of knowing Christ. Pray that those who do not know Him will have their eyes open to the saving knowledge of the Lord.
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