Shekinah Resides in You
And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night (Exod. 13:21 KJV).
Shekinah is a Hebrew word that Jewish Rabbis used to describe the visible manifestation of God’s presence dwelling on the earth.
The scripture above gives us the most remarkable of experiences in the Old Testament. The Israelites saw a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. How cool is that! But it has gotten even better for the believer in Christ. Shekinah now lives in the believer!
This truth is critical to understand. It will change your perspective of who you are in Christ and of the wonders of our inheritance in Christ.
The cloud that the Israelites saw – the fire, the light – was physical proof of God’s presence that was with them in the camp. When Jesus came as flesh and blood, He was a visible manifestation of God’s presence( Shekinah) to the people (John 1:14.) However, because the Spirit had not yet come, they could not see the glory.
When the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, that was Shekinah that returned to earth, this time indwelling the believers. The Church and the individual became the visible manifestation of God’s glory on the earth.
Trust me, we have better things in Christ than seeing a physical pillar of cloud! You do not need to see some fire, a cloud, or light to know that the glory of God is on the earth. You are that light. You are that fire. It is you that the people around you will see! Shekinah dwells in you, so shine forth His glory!
What is a key function of Shekinah dwelling in us as seen in Exo. 13:21 above?
You were created to display God to the world. So shine forth!
Thank the Lord for chosen you to be a carrier of Shekinah.
Recommended Read: Visible Manifestations of the Invisible God
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