Seated in Heavenly Places

And raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:6 ESV).

seated in heavenly places

Christ is seated in heavenly places, and the scriptures tell us very plainly, that we are seated with Christ wherever He is! This is the heart of Christianity, our union and complete identification with Christ.

The Father said to Jesus, through the prophetic voice of David, “The LORD says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool” (Ps. 110:1 ESV). In other words, Jesus is at God’s right hand, waiting for the Father to subdue His enemies under His feet. The right hand of the Father is a place of accomplishment after Jesus had finished what He had to do. He died, resurrected, ascended, and now sits at the right hand of the Father. Jesus is waiting for the Father to complete His work and fulfill His purpose through the believers.

Jesus is at rest while the Father is at work, through His Spirit, to make the Body of Christ what His Son paid for it to be. The scripture says you are also seated with Christ in the heavenly places! It is a place of spiritual rest, where your only task is to allow the Spirit to do what Christ paid for! You do not have to die for your sins. You do not have to resurrect yourself. You do not have to ascend and receive power. It is finished! It is done! Just sit at rest and allow the Spirit take over!


Declare that “I am seated with Christ in the heavenly places, a place of rest and total victory over all things”.


Stop now and see yourself seated with Christ in the heavenly places. Renew your mind with this Word. Live with the consciousness of where you are seated, above the calamities of the world.


Thank the Lord for making a seat for you with Him, in heavenly places.

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