Rejoice in the Lord at all Times

Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright (Ps. 33:1 KJV).

Rejoicing is simply exercising joy! It is joy in demonstration. The scripture above tells us that the righteous ones should express their joy in the Lord. The Bible teaches that the joy of the Lord is joy that is triggered by, grounded in, or a result of Who the Lord is, or what He has done.

The Old Testament saints were also commanded to rejoice in their God; however, we have a billion more reasons to rejoice in God now. We rejoice because the Lord has fulfilled His good plans in our lives. Scripture tells us that when Israel of old received from the Lord, they only saw but a shadow, while we experience the fullness of His blessings. David cried for God to create in him a new heart. Did God answer David’s prayer? No, He didn’t, because Jesus had not yet come, and gone to the cross. It was not possible for the Old Testament saints to experience the regeneration, or recreation.

Please distinguish between the joy of the Lord, and the joy of the world. The joy for the unbeliever comes when “good things” happen to them. Their joy is natural, dependent on circumstance. The joy of the Christian is spiritual, and supernaturally imparted. Christians’ joy is not only based on Who God is, and what He has already done, but also on what He is currently doing, and will do! Our joy is triggered by looking at God rather than our circumstances.


What does the Lord instruct us to rejoice? Declare that “I rejoice in my God at all times, for the joy of the Lord dwells within me”.


I want you to rejoice this day. Joy is expressed in different ways, including singing, smiling, and even dancing! Remember that rejoicing is joy in action, not joy buried in the heart!


Pray that the Lord will help you rejoice always, regardless of the situation.

Recommended Read: The Wonders of Joy

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