How to surrender to God and see His glory

He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Take this cup away from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” (Mk. 14:36 NET)

Learning how to surrender to God will be the best step you can ever take in your life. Jesus openly shows us in the scripture above how to surrender to the Father. His surrender is expressed in the words “yet not what I will, but what you will”.  The place of surrender is the where we relinquish the control of our lives to God.

Surrender brings such a tremendous blessing to our lives, not misery. You do not lose in surrender; you gain. The only way to escape yourself and the flesh that is tied to it, is by surrendering to God. This is referred to as “dying to the flesh”. One of our greatest, lingering misconceptions in life is that living to please God will make us miserable, and cause us pain, rather than joy and happiness. Many people are hanging on to what THEY WANT TO DO, contrary to what God commands, thinking it will bring satisfaction or relief, only to realize they are sinking deeper into the pit of misery. You should not be afraid of surrendering your life to God. The Word shows us how to surrender to God: love Him with all of your heart (Deut. 6:5). When you love God, you will seek to please Him, and do His will. Surrender by love. The day you start living the fullness of abundant life, is the day you die to yourself, and start living to please God. You will see the glory of God, and find such pleasure, delight, and victory in every area of your life.


Ponder upon the words of the verse above. How is your love for God?  Are you living by what you want or what God wants? Do you really want to please God?  Are you afraid of completely surrendering yourself to God? Be sincere to yourself as the Spirit brings to light the deep things in your own soul.


Pray and ask the Father to remove every fear of surrendering to Him from your heart. Ask the Spirit to open your understanding to see that it is not a miserable venture for us, but a fountain of blessing.


Do you love God? Please do not answer by “yes” or “no”. This is not a question that is answered by a verbal response. Simply look at your attitude towards God’s Word, and see the answer for yourself. The love of God is manifested by keeping His commandments. It is black and white. Trembling and keeping the Word of God are the greatest evidences of your love for Him. Similarly, failure to follow His Word is proof enough that there is no love for God. No explanations are needed. Surrender to the Lord by loving Him. He says we are “deceiving ourselves” when we declare our love for God and then act contrary to His Word. Take a baby step today. Tell the Lord you will surrender to His will in your life. Watch your life become glorious as He takes over. You will be happier in life, trust me!

Recommended Read: The blessing of surrendering to Jesus

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?


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