He Quickened Us Together With Christ
“Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)” (Ephesians 2:5, KJV)

The realm of the spirit operates beyond time as we know it. How could God raise you from the dead before you even existed, before you sinned or died? This is part of the mystery of our union with Christ. Today, we explore how God quickened us together with Christ.
To understand the power of the term “quickened” or “made alive,” we must first recognize our condition before: we were dead in sins. Before we met Christ, like all sinners in the world today, we were spiritually dead. This death is similar to the one Adam and Eve experienced in the Garden when they sinned. Though they remained physically alive(for some years), they were spiritually dead—separated from God and exposed to fear, shame, sickness, lack, sinful behaviors, and Satanic oppression.
While we were dead in our sins, God quickened us—He made us alive. Going back to the example of Adam, it means God restored things to the way they were before the fall. Think of how Adam lived before sin—the was alive to God. The term “quickened” in the KJV refers to being made alive. God has already done this for us; we have eternal life now. You have been quickened, moving from death to life. This isn’t just a doctrine to believe; it’s an experience of life that begins now.
God didn’t just quicken us—He quickened us together with Christ. The full significance of the quickening is in the word “together.” This term describes our blessed oneness with Christ in His work. When Christ died over 2000 years ago, our old selves died with Him. Remember, the spirit realm is not bound by time as we are. When God quickened Christ, bringing Him from death to life, we were also in Christ and brought back to life.
This revelation was so deeply rooted in the Apostle John that he could declare,
“We know that we have passed from death unto life…” (1 John 3:14, KJV)
This is not just something to believe; it should be something you know—something that becomes part of your daily awareness. You have passed from death to life.
So here’s God’s Word to you: He has already quickened you together with Christ.
Meditation involves deeply pondering the Word of God to allow it to take root in your heart. It may also include quietly repeating the words to yourself. Meditate on every word in Ephesians 2:5.
Apply the Word
God has quickened us, and He wants us to live in the reality of eternal life now. Remember, when Adam died, shame and fear were immediate. Now you have eternal life, and your mind, emotions, desires, body, family, finances, ministry, and more should reflect this life! Put God’s life to work.
Ask the Father to give you a deep understanding of this truth and, above all, help you live it out daily.
Recommended Read
- What Does it Mean to Pass from Death to Life?
- What is Spiritual Death?
- It is the Spirit That Quickeneth
- The Quickening of our Bodies
- Oneness with Christ
- Watch: Understanding Spiritual Death: The secret of Your victories in Christ
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