Do You Want to Cause Heaven to Rejoice?

I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance  (Luke 15:7, KJV)

There is something you can do that will cause instant jubilation in heaven.  One of such things is shown in the verse above. When a sinner, lost and heading for eternal separation from  God in the lake of fire receives Christ and is saved, heaven rejoices greatly. You should be a constant source of joy to heaven by winning souls to the Lord.

The eternal condition of those who do not know Christ is horrible. This is not a matter of religion, worldview, or philosophy. If God had to  come down in the flesh and suffer such a horrible and shameful death for man to be saved from eternal destruction, we should immediately recognize the gravity of the situation. I was listening to the book of Revelations yesterday on my phone  and heard this verse again that made my heart sink in sorrow:

“And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15, KJV)

That is the future of those who are not saved. It is the future of that boss, co-worker, friend or Hollywood star who is not saved. It is the future of the billionaire as well as the one in huge debts who does not know Christ. The future is dark for the soul without Christ, and they do not know it. Your eyes have been opened to know it.  Heaven depends on you to win that soul and deliver that man or woman from hell.


How do you feel when you find something you cherish that was lost? Think how the Father feels when the lost find their way back to Him.


It is becoming increasingly challenging and difficult to preach the Gospel to people, especially in developed nations. Satan’s strategy is to silence the Church and the believers. He wants the lost never to hear the Gospel.  Do not keep your mouth shut. Ask the Lord for wisdom on how to win souls in specific circumstances and be a constant source of jubilation in heaven!


Ask the Lord for the wisdom, boldness, and courage to be a soul-winner for Him. 

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