Grace is Partaking in the Son of God
“To the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He has made us accepted in the Beloved” (Eph. 1:6 NKJ).
The time-honored definition of grace as unmerited favor is correct but inadequate. Neither the word unmerited or favor nor the combination unmerited favor fully captures the beauty of grace. Moreover, this definition leaves out the most important words that reveal the richness of grace in Ephesians 1:6 — “in the Beloved” or “in Christ.” An accurate and adequate definition of grace is “unmerited favor in the Beloved.”
The words “in the Beloved” embody the “riches of the glory” of grace. Jesus is the Beloved Son of God, and Son of God in this context means the God-Man, God revealed in the flesh. Additionally, God the Father is well-pleased and delights in Him — He is the Son that brings God pleasure. This special Father-Son relationship — of deepest divine love, delight, and pleasure—is at the heart of the phrase “in the Beloved.” Hence, the status of the Son, who is both human and divine, becomes the platform upon which God has given grace to human beings.
As such, grace is the gift of the Son of God to humanity. The Father has called us to share in the nature and life of His beloved Son. Whatever Jesus is, God has made us share the same. Consequently, grace is partaking in the Son of God, in intimate union with Him, to enjoy all the joys and pleasures of His life. Then comes favor to describe this kindness and unmerited to remind us we did not deserve it.
Grace is unmerited favor in the Beloved.
Though we often think of grace as God giving us His best, the choicest thing in heaven, however, is not something but Someone. It is the Son. The gift of grace is His Son! Therefore, grace is the unmerited favor in the Beloved.
Read more: Define Grace: Go Beyond Unmerited Favor.
Can you see a definition of grace in Ephesians 1:6 above? Consider the words “by which.”
God has lavished unmerited favor upon us by calling us to partake of His Son. Therefore, when grace produces all its effects in our lives, we become Jesus, walking and living on the earth as us. Imagine Jesus all over the world, in every tribe and tongue, living and ministering. That is nothing else but the glory of the Lord filling the earth as the waters cover the sea! (Habakkuk 2:14). Make grace count: press on to conform to the image of the Son of God.
Take a moment to praise the Father for such extravagant kindness lavished on us.