Our greatest ignorance

Being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart (Eph. 4:18 NAS)

Ignorance is costly, whether or not we realize the price we are paying. It will always diminish, or take something away from us. The well-known Greek aphorism “know thyself“, prompts the question “who am I?”. Ignorance comes with a price, and the greatest immediate ignorance we all face not knowing ourselves. What a paradox! Our knowledge extends to extra-terrestrial bodies but, many people still struggle to learn who they are.

The scripture above nails on the very heart of man’s most immediate ignorance. It is spiritual ignorance, that is, ignorance of our spirit. Man has florid knowledge of the body, and some knowledge of the soul, but we are nearly blind regarding the spirit. This is what the scripture above means by “being darkened in their understanding”.  Thank God the verse above was not addressed to you-a believer in Christ! Jesus came to give us spiritual understanding to know who we really are, and how it was from the beginning. You are a spirit being, and your knowledge of that spirit-man is critical. The window to your spirit is the Word of God. It is a light for you to see who you really are. Know what is in your spirit man, for that is where your victory in life dwells.


Think on the verse above.  We were like that before. Think how your life was, and how it is now.


Ask the Father to open your understanding by His Word to see into your spirit.


God shows you the spirit so that you can act upon it. Know thyself. Ignorance of the spirit will cost you. Many people are investing time, money, and resources on their body and soul, but do not even think about the spirit. Their priorities  are backwards. Recognize that you are indeed truly a spirit being, and get to know yourself!

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