There is no fear in love
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. (1 Jn. 4:18 NAS)
The love of God is the bedrock for our redemption, wholeness and empowerment. Our relationship with God necessitates that we believe in His love. God wants us to both know, and believe in the love that He has for us.
Love and fear do not go together. There is no fear in love. Total dependence and trust mandate that we are absolutely certain that He has our best interest at heart. This is an amazing quality of the love of God, that even though He gives us commandments and instructions to do, they are ultimately for our good. When our hearts get into that place of complete trust in His love, we can freely offer our lives to Him without concern of what will become of us. Every single Word God has given to us is for our good. It is for our own benefit when we abandon the control of our lives to Him. He perfectly loves us, and we should have no fear of what will become of our lives.
Ponder deeply on the verse above.
Ask the Father to help you receive the fullness of His love.
Our love for God is shown by keeping His Word. A subtle but certain evidence you have received the love of God is when that love begins to flow to those around you. Demonstrate love today!
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