Neither give place to the devil

Neither give place to the devil (Eph. 4:27 KJV).

Neither give place to the devil image

The scripture above is loaded with insight, revealing how the devil operates, and how we interact with him. Simply stated, the Lord says to we should not give the devil any opportunity.  Does this imply that we actually give Satan opportunities in our lives? Yes!

That immediately teaches us that some satanic attacks, with the resulting suffering, came because we gave Satan a place, or room, in our lives to do so. You may wonder- how does your actions give Satan an opportunity that he will gladly take advantage of?

Understanding the context of today’s verse will make this quite obvious. Immediately preceding today’s scripture, verse 26 tells us “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath” (Eph. 4:26 KJV). In this text, anger is clearly disclosed as a potential door, especially when allowed to loiter in our hearts for too long. It is so crucial that all believers understand this. If you find Satan presiding over any area in a man’s life, that means someone, somehow, gave him a door to get in. He does not have the rights to function on the earth, until a human grants him the authority.

Anger is only one possible door. Fear is another. Fear was the door Job left open for Satan. Sin in our lives is Satan’s bathtub, division and fighting amongst brethren is a party organized especially for him! Do not give Satan a place in your life, home, or church.


Can Satan destroy anyone he wants? Why does he need a door, or permission, from us to come into our lives? (See Gen. 1:26).


Is there a door in your life that you’ve left open for the enemy? If you are fighting with your spouse, for example, and live divided, then you have sent Satan a beautiful invitation into your home. Be wise, and close all the doors.


Ask the Lord to open your eyes, and help you close every door you’ve left open for Satan.

Recommended Read: The Accuser of the Brethren

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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