Make God’s Word work for you today

How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God.. (Heb. 9:14 )

God’s Word is the “one thing that is needful” to give you victory and success every single day, including today (Luke 10:42). God’s blessings, healing, deliverance, and power for you today are all contained in His Word. We might get tempted to approach the Word of God purely from a human point of view, as you would approach some book out there to assist you in self-improvement. God’s Word in the Bible is distinct from every other book on earth. Behind the Word of God is the Spirit of God. That is what brings life to the words you read or hear from the Bible.

God’s word will not work without the Spirit of God. This is a crucial truth to ingest. Our scripture above teaches a key principle. Jesus, though fully God in human flesh, and is the very Word of God, could only do what He did by the power of the Holy Spirit. The same is true of the  Word of God brought to us today. God’s Word requires His Spirit from start to finish. It is inspired by His Spirit, uttered in preaching and teaching by His Spirit and operates by the power of the Spirit. One certain way of activating the power of the Holy Spirit is by prayer, and even more specifically praying in tongues because “The one who speaks in a tongue builds himself up (1 Cor. 14:4 NET)”.


Get God’s Word into your spirit today by the power of meditation. Ponder and mutter His Word. Ponder what it means that Jesus offered Himself through the Spirit, and in the same way, His Word will work by the Spirit in your life.


This is the reason why prayer goes with devotions. Pray activates God’s power in you. The Spirit opens your eyes, shows you what to do, strengthens you to do what it says, etc. Pray that every Word in your life that you have memorized but still appears “lifeless” to you will become full of life and power.


Do something about God’s Word. It is the Word you do that releases the blessing in your life. Look for a way to ACT on what you have heard, no matter how small it is. It might simply be taking a moment to pray about this devotional you just read! Learn to accompany the Word with prayer. The Word will not work without the Spirit. You want the living Word, not some “dead letters or instructions”.

Recommended Read: According to Your Faith

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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  1. Thanks. Please pray that Jesus blesses me with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I want to learn to pray in tongues. I need your prayers for me. I want to have a deeper relationship with Jesus. I am the only believer in my family struggling all alone. I need your prayer support. Thanks, Meeta Mukerjee from India

    1. Praise the Lord for your desire Meeta. The Lord is going to answer your heart’s desire and baptize you with the Holy Spirit.I will send you an email.

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