I am Watching Over My Word to Perform it

Then the LORD said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to perform it” (Jer. 1:12 ESV)

I am Watching Over My Word to Perform it showing an almond branch

The LORD spoke to Jeremiah as He ordained and commissioned him into his prophetic office that He is watching over His word to perform it. As a prophet, Jeremiah will be operating  with the Word of God, and the Lord laid down the foundation of the trustworthiness, invincibility, and steadfastness of His Word.

We also need this assurance today, as Jeremiah did. The Lord is watching over His Word to ensure that it becomes fulfilled as He said it.

Let me take this further to show you a mystery in this verse. When many of us read this verse, what comes to our minds is God keeping track of what He has said, just as we do, and then do it in due time. That is certainly true. His memory is divine, not human, and He does not forget what He says as we do. However, there is more. 

God does not merely keep track of His Word to ensure that when it is time, He does not forget to perform it. His Word is power. When He speaks, at that same instant that those words come out of His mouth, they alter the course of creation and sets in motion every process that is needed to bring to pass what God has set. Creation will simply just adjust itself by the power of God to bring to pass what He said at the time He said it! It is not a matter of God remembering that He made some promise that He has to fulfill. The Word that goes forth from His Word accomplishes by themselves what He said! This is how reliable and powerful God’s Word is. It is His power that not only creates but changes the course of creation. 


What would happen if God’s word fails? ( NB. See what sustains creation here Heb. 1:3). Declare that “ the Lord is watching every Word  to perform it in my life!”


The Word is trustworthy. Faith puts the Word to work. Once you believe, things will adjust themselves around you under the power of His Word to ensure that Word is fulfilled. Trust in the Word. You cannot go wrong with it.


Ask the Lord to open your eyes to fully understand His glorious power that is at work in His Word.

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