How to receive from God

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. (Mk. 11:24 KJV)

It is of utmost importance to learn how to receive from God. Did you ever hear someone say “I received it by faith”? What does that mean? Is it real, or is it some religious rhetoric? Learning to receive from God is a spiritual skill we can learn as we mature our faith. Without this skill, prayer will be a fruitless endeavor with repetitive rituals that never seem to get any results.

The scripture above says “when ye pray, believe that ye receive them…”. This is a cornerstone tenet of our faith walk. If you want to walk in unwavering faith, this is one of the truth you must imbibe in your spirit. This verse teaches us that when we believe in something, that is the moment we receive from God! Receiving from God is a spiritual issue, and whenever our hearts( spirits) believe God’s Word, it receives automatically what God has promised. Therefore you receive the answers to your prayers even before you are done praying! God wants us to be established in this truth. There is a difference between receiving from God and seeing the manifestation of what you have believed physically. Do not wait to see the physical manifestation before you know you have received from God. You will then be walking by sight, not by faith.  When you pray for healing, for example, the instant you ask, you received it from God. But your body might still be hurting; that does not mean you have not received! It is on this sure foundation that you have already received based on God’s Word that you start thanking God, confessing your healing, refuse to make your body tell you that you have truly not received, etc. Countless times, for sure, we have received a miracle from God and just because we are ignorant of this truth, we lose our miracle because there seems to be no physical manifestation of what we asked for.  There is an unseen manifestation already, as the answers were dropped in your spirit.

Move higher in your faith walk. Know that when you believe the Word, that is the instant you receive from God. What do you do when you have received something? You stop asking! You start thanking God. You begin to speak and act like you have indeed received it. Why? Because you have truly received it! It is just a matter of time. Do not lose your miracle because of unbelief. Stand on God’s Word!


The Word in your mind and mouth (1 Tim 4:15; Josh 1: 8)

Spend some time thinking and muttering on the scripture above. See the reality of this verse working in your life.


Water the Seed (word) to grow. Invite the Spirit’s strength! (Isa 32:15; Zach 4:6)

Thank God for the mystery of faith. Ask the Spirit to give you a deeper understanding of this truth as you meditate on this verse. It will change your life!


Your door to a blessed life today is doing God’s Word. Refuse to be a hearer or reader only! (James 1:22-26)

Did you ask God for something today? Or are you believing in a scripture to be fulfilled in your life? Do you realize now that you received what you were believing long ago when you first believed it? You just need to stand on God’s word speaking and acting it out until it manifest!

Recommended Read: Struggling with Faith?

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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