How to Overcome Satan by the Blood of the Lamb
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death (Revelation 12:11 KJV)

Overcoming Satan is mandatory for our wellbeing and happiness in daily Christian living and ministry. Sadly, many are unaware that Satan, not God, is responsible for the vast amount of suffering, anguish, and misery in our spiritual lives, health, finances, families, ministries, businesses, neighborhoods, etc. Therefore if you want to thrive in this life, you must be proficient in using God’s armor to bring Satan under your feet.
But spiritual warfare against Satan has become skewed in most Christian circles today. Besides ignorance of who Satan is and how he operates, most of our spiritual warfare is no longer Bible-driven but directed by our cultures and traditions. I have written extensively about this before and will not dwell on it here. However, I encourage everyone to allow the Bible to tell us what God calls spiritual warfare and what He says we should do to overcome Satan—not what our culture, tradition, or Christian doctrine has taught us.
The term “overcome” implies a battle. The saints were in battle with Satan in Rev. 12:11 and overcame him. But what was Satan doing in this battle? What were the saints fighting against? Like most other believers, I have applied this verse in all sorts of circumstances, including those involving attacks from witchcraft, sorcery, etc. However, this is often the problem, we must always understand God’s words in context in each verse before we fly with the revelation to apply it in other areas. In this verse, Satan’s primary activity against the saints was not attacking them with witchcraft or in their dreams. Instead, he accused them before God to make them guilty of sins. When guilt comes, then comes self-condemnation, doubts, and spiritual weakness. Sadly, many believers do not see self-condemnation, guilt, or shame as Satanic attacks, although these inner battles often wreak havoc in their lives: quenching their zeal for God, uprooting their joy of salvation, destroying their ministries, creating spiritual lukewarmness, etc.
The saints overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. No, they did not say, “I plead the blood!” I have dealt with this problem in another article and live Bible Study. You overcome Satan by believing in what the blood of Jesus did and appropriating it in your life, primarily through confession or declarations of the Word. Our conversion experience is the best example of the application of the blood of Jesus and our defeating Satan. How did we overcome Satan at salvation, where we passed from his kingdom to the kingdom of the Son of God? Paul tells us in Romans 10:10:
“For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (Romans 10:10 KJV)
When we believe what Jesus accomplished by shedding His blood and declaring it with our mouths, we wield the sword of the Spirit ( armor of God) against Satan and inflict “deadly injuries.” Please read this and take it sincerely into your Spirit: there is no more significant blow against Satan than the blood of Jesus cleansing us from sin, freeing us from guilt, justifying us before God, and removing the condemnation from sin.
I have no doubt there might be some of God’s precious Children reading this devotional who have no rest day and night, struggling with guilt, self-condemnation, fear, and uncertainty about their salvation. And the consequences of these struggles are many: lack of joy, anxiety, fearfulness, weakness in spiritual battles, unbelief, etc. Sadly, our Church culture will tell them to pray more and bind devils in the sea or the air. Yet those demons are not working in the air or sea but in their minds and hearts. Although prayer is crucial for spiritual warfare, it is not always the direct answer to every spiritual battle. Rather than just pray in such cases, you need to know, understand, believe, and stand firm on what Jesus did on the cross. And out of the abundance of this strong faith in the shed blood, you should declare the Word repeatedly over your life and loved ones. If you do this, you will consistently overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of your testimony.
How did the saints overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb?
When was the last time Satan attacked you? I wonder what goes through your mind after you read this question! Whatever the case, I hope this devotional opens your eyes to see the realities of our spiritual warfare and helps bring Satan under your feet by the blood of Christ.
Ask the Father to help us understand spiritual warfare the way He has revealed to us in the scriptures.
Read & Watch
How to Apply the Blood of Jesus
Understanding the Blood of Christ
How to Destroy the Works of the Devil
Watch: Why I Stopped Saying “I Plead the Blood of Jesus”
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Thank you so much for your teaching about the Blood
of Jesus Christ but I had been struggling with guilt and shame about something I had done in the past and I couldn’t get past it but you brought back to my mind what CHRIST had done for us on the cross and what I need to do is believe again and confess again to stop satan lies thank JESUS FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE & HIS BLOOD
Amen! Thank you for sharing those encouraging words with me. Glad to see the Lord using His Word to give you victory in this area.
Hallelujah!!! Many christians are void of this truth and they live their lives in perpetual fear and believing that they have to do some extra spiritual work to attain the perfection impacted to them already by God at salvation.
Many so called believers do not know the distinct difference between the perfected work of salvation and growth into maturity.