The God of all comfort

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3, KJV)

The Apostle Paul calls the Lord the “God of all comfort” and he goes further to explain  what he meant: 

“Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God” (2 Corinthians 1:4, KJV).

The best analogy for us to understand comfort is to look at a mother who comforts the child who might be in pain of some kind. To comfort means to soothe someone’s pain, relief their distress, make them feel better, encourage them in trouble etc. The Lord is the God of all comfort!

Have you ever wondered how believers are able to go through certain trials and “survive” without breaking down or even “cursing God” as Job’s wife suggested to him? God knows how to soothe our pain in difficult moments. Paul notes in verse 8 that the persecution that came on them in Asia was so much that they despaired of life itself. The trouble was too much, and they were getting overwhelmed. In that very instant, the Lord did not allow the waves to overpower them. He comforted them. He soothed their pain. They came out of it, rejoicing as though nothing had happened. The Lord alone knows how He does this.

He will do the same for you. He  is the God of all comfort. He will comfort you even in that trouble you are facing right now.


What does it mean to comfort someone? Who is the Comforter that is with us today that comforts us in all our tribulations? ( John 14:26)


We all need to be comforted at some point or another. The Lord knows. There are some problems that if He does not comfort us, we might do something stupid. He will not allow anything beyond our power to come our way. Therefore do not lose heart. Do not become desperate and lose hope or confidence in Him. The Father is keeping a close eye on you.


Thank the Lord for comforting us in the many troubles we face every day here on earth. 

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