God of Hope

“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost” Romans 15:13 KJV.

The God of hope image showing someone coming out of darkness

Our God is not only a God of faith; He is a God of hope. Many of us have been taught that faith deals with the present, and hope focuses on the future. Sadly, this viewpoint comes with the risk of undermining the every day importance of hope.

We must be very careful not to overlook the relevance God’s gift of hope has for today. Even though it looks with future expectation, hope is still very relevant for the present moment. Today’s scripture reveals the impact of hope on our present lives. Hope will cause joy and peace to fill our hearts now, while we wait for what is coming. This is the power of hope. When hope is lost, the will to live soon follows suit. God wants us to keep our hope alive. Hope gives us joy and peace, empowering us to face our day.

Anything that takes away your hope, will eventually take away your joy and peace. Your hope is the anchor of your soul. It keeps you steadfast and unshakable. Our Christian hope is the coming of Christ, and our transformation to become like Him. Irrespective of the present, this hope will keep you going every day, while protecting your joy and peace from earthly circumstances.


What is the relationship between faith and hope (Heb. 11:1)? Declare that “By the power of the Holy Spirit, I abound in hope each day”


There is tremendous darkness when there is no hope. The lost have no hope, because they have no idea what to expect when they die. Keep your hope continually alive, as you remember that Christ is coming back to receive us into His glory.


Thank the Lord for giving you hope in Christ. Pray that nothing will cause you to lose this hope.

Recommended Read: Can I still believe again? 

Foundational Article: What is the daily devotional? 

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