Do not let go of your hope for tomorrow

I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living. (Ps. 27:13 NAS)

Our daily walk with the Lord is not only by faith but it is in hope. Faith is here and now, while hope is what awaits us when Jesus returns. There are some things which are just impossible for us to have now, such as the new spiritual bodies that God has promised us at the return of Christ. It is not for this present earth and we have to wait patiently for it. Faith, however, brings healing and vitalizes the present mortal body in the meantime.

Hope “keeps us going” in the now. Our great hope looks forward to the day that Jesus will come back to this earth. The scripture encourages us to always look at this hope because when we do, we purify ourselves and live wisely ( 1 John 3:3). Jesus saw us downstream in hope and endured the agony of the cross. When you see the bliss of tomorrow, you are able to go through the glitches and challenges of today. When hope goes out through the door, depression, gloom, and despair come in through the window! Do not let anything shake you off the hope you have in God. The Psalmist said above that he would have given up except he had hoped or expected to see God’s goodness. He was looking forward to something better. Hold on to your hope in Christ. The best in your life is still yet to come, on this earth and in the world that follows.


Think upon what above. What would you do if you are in Psalmist’s shoes today, feeling miserable and desperate?  Do you still have hope as David did?


Pray that the Spirit of the Lord will keep hope alive inside of you today.


Take a moment-seriously, and think about the good things that are on your way but which are not yet there. If you are unable to see anything bright in your tomorrow, your hope has been severely injured and needs to be recovered immediately. Tell yourself as the Psalmist did, that you will see better things tomorrow. Hope in God. We bless God for faith, but it should not keep hope away. Faith overcomes the world now. Hope keeps our eyes on eternity, which is the most important. Keep your hope always alive so that you do not lose your focus.

Recommend Read: What is Christianity?

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?



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