He Gave Them Authority Over Unclean Spirits
And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction. (Matthew 10:1, ESV)

What does it mean that Jesus gave the twelve disciples authority over unclean spirits? And here’s a question many overlook: how did He give them that authority? Most importantly, how does this apply to us today? These are crucial questions that can transform how we live as Christians and approach spiritual warfare.
The Nature of Authority
Authority is the right and freedom to exercise control or power. In this case, it is the ability to command unclean spirits. Jesus demonstrated this authority—when He spoke, demons obeyed. Then, He called His twelve disciples and gave them that same authority.
One key truth here is that authority can be transferred. It is so real in the spiritual realm that it can be given and received. Jesus gave it, and the disciples received it.
How Did Jesus Transfer Authority?
How did Jesus give them this authority? Was there a formal ceremony? Did He lay hands on them? The passage suggests it was immediate—He called them and gave them authority.
Though Matthew 10:1 doesn’t specify how, Luke 10:19 gives us a clue. After the disciples returned, Jesus reiterated the truth, saying:
“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.” (Luke 10:19, ESV)
How did He give them this authority? He spoke it into existence. He simply said, “I give you authority.” This is how God operates—by speaking the Word.
What Does This Mean for Us Today?
Two crucial truths emerge:
- We received the power that sustains this authority when we received the Holy Spirit. The disciples initially had only the spoken Word granting them the privilege of exercising authority.
- We also have Jesus’ words, which bestow that same authority upon us.
Luke 10:19 was spoken to the disciples, but it applies to us today. God has established our authority—the Spirit within us and the Word spoken over us. That was our ordination, placing us in charge over unclean spirits.
When Jesus declared, “I give you authority,” all the forces of darkness recognized that He had put us in charge over them. Now, understanding, faith, and yielding to the Spirit are what remain for us to walk in this authority.
What is authority? And how did Jesus bestow authority upon the disciples?
Apply the Word
Pause and let this truth sink in: Jesus has placed you in authority over all the power of the enemy. And remember, the primary tool for exercising authority is speaking commands in faith. Walk in your authority—your birthright in Christ.
Thank the Lord for the privilege of receiving this tremendous authority.
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