Five of the Virgins were Wise and Five were Foolish
And five of them were wise, and five were foolish (Matthew 25:2, KJV)

The Parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25 has volumes to teach us. In summary, 10 virgins went to meet a bridegroom with their lamps. Five of them were wise and took extra oil and the other five were foolish and did not take extra oil. When the Bridegroom came at midnight, the foolish ran out of oil and missed the opportunity to meet him.
Matt 25:2 above categorizes the 10 virgins into two: five were wise and five were foolish. This was not an insult to the foolish by labeling them as foolish. It was a description fitting for the decisions and actions they were making in their lives. The foolish virgins did not anticipate the possibility they would run out of oil and provide extra in case that occurs. Wisdom allows us to make choices today that will impact our tomorrow. A critical component of foolish behavior is making choices today that will hurt us tomorrow without realizing it.
Time is a key validator of wisdom. Until the time came when the bridegroom arrived, the foolish virgins were “doing just fine”. Jesus is the wisdom of God to us. Almost every believer knows the importance of God’s power and many are crying out for more each day. Very few have come to know the astonishment depth of His wisdom. I will dare to say this: the majority of our problems today are wisdom problems, not power problems.
Crave the wisdom of God. It will protect you from bad choices today that will require power to fix them tomorrow!
Why were the five foolish virgins called “foolish”? Think about this carefully.
Many of us do not need power for a “breakthrough”. We need wisdom to know what to do. Christ in you is the wisdom of God. His Word imparts wisdom. His Spirit leads us in wisdom. Get wisdom, and in all your getting make sure you have understanding in life!
Ask the Lord to help you grow in His wisdom as you feed on the Word and surrender to the leading of the Spirit.
- What Was The Error Of The Five Foolish Virgins?
- O Foolish Galatians!
- What Was The Error Of The Five Foolish Virgins?
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