Finding Perfect Peace in These Troubling Days
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on thee: Because he trusteth in thee (Isaiah 26:3, KJV)

Peace is a state of well-being in which we are safe and free from danger or anything harmful to our body or mind. Although peace in this world full of danger and evil would appear elusive, the Lord promises not only peace but perfect peace to His own. How do you find that peace as a Child of God in your everyday life?
The Lord says the secret to inner perfect peace is keeping our minds stayed on Him. And what does this even mean?
If you want to know peace, daily practical inner sense of well-being free of concerns, fears, and many other life perturbations, then keep your mind on God.
Isaiah described as “staying our mind” on God what Paul calls the spiritual mind in the New Testament( Rom. 8:6). The spiritual mind is the mind set on the things of God. There are two main ideas here: focus and inclination. Your entire inner being responds to what is on your mind at that instant—the focus. Try this: think about something terrible happening now somewhere in the world and notice how fear and anxiety instantly increase in you. On the contrary, peace will immediately fill your heart if you think about God. Go ahead now and try this—think NOW how much Jesus loves you and see how your emotions respond!
The second inclination of your mind is the way you think and view life—spiritual or carnal, through God’s eyes or human eyes. The spiritual mind sees themselves and the world through God’s Word.
Let your mind be stayed on God, and peace will be yours 24/7.
Think and say those words in Isaiah 26:3 repeatedly.
Your mind governs your state of peace. Do not set your minds on your problems, the news, the world, etc. If you do, fear and anxiety would be your daily companion. Set or stay your mind on God and let His peace rule your heart.
Ask the Father to help you nurture perfect inner peace this season.
As a 73 year old Christian that has not been to church in years I yearned for God and his word. I read about devotion and prayed for it. Out of the blue your name and info popped up on my iPad and was then gone. After searching I found you again and am so grateful. If I ever get to Atlanta again I will try to visit your church. I love your book The Devotional Life.
Dear Mr. Chambers. Thank you so much for those kind and encouraging words. I am delighted to know the Spirit of the Lord led you to our ministry and used the devotionals and the Devotional Life to be a blessing to you.
It is certainly an honor for you to plan to visit us. Our ministry is principally a teaching ministry without any local Church or campus yet. We are currently in Ankeny, Iowa and fellowship at a Spirit-filled local Church called Heartland Community Church.
The Lord continues the great work He is doing in you and bring you to the fullness of Bis presence and power. Have a blessed and merry Christmas and a prosperous 2021.