Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. (Ps. 139:14 NKJ)

Fearfully made by God image showing a porter molding a clay jar

Man is God’s masterpiece. We are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made. David spoke about himself as a man under the old covenant. He was speaking about humanity in general and how God made man in His image, exemplifying His immense artistic and design skills in crafting our bodies.

Science has helped us to see the wonders of the creature called man. Each organ of the body is so beautifully designed that it requires an entire medical specialty and subspecialty to master its anatomy and physiology.

The eye, for example, looks simple, but the retina that allows us to capture images has at least nine complex layers of well-arranged cell bodies and parts. And the retina is only a small component of the entire eye!

If you consider that every single piece of the human body has its own unique and complex structure and function, then you understand with David why you are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made. Creation displays the wisdom and power of God.

In the new creature, things take a higher turn. The Apostle Paul says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.” (Eph. 2:10 NKJ) God has again created man, beginning from his spirit. If the first Adam was designed fearfully and wonderfully, the new creation is nothing short of glorious.

When the new body comes – the spiritual body that we will receive when Jesus returns – the full measure of the glory of this newly created man will be apparent. God has created you, and now recreated you, to be His masterpiece. You are the epitome  of His creative abilities.


What did David do when he realized how God had created him in the scripture above?


Be conscious of your value. You are God’s masterpiece. Do not let anything put you down.


Praise the Lord for taking so much care and attention to create the beautiful creature called you!

Recommended Read: Take Hold of Your Identity.

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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