A Double-minded Man is Unstable in All His Ways
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. (James 1:8 KJV)

There is an enemy of faith that ruins believers probably more than any other. This enemy is named doubt or double-mindedness in James 1:6-8. This adversary almost drowned Peter to death in the presence of Jesus (Matthew 14:30-31).
Doubt quenches the power of God as firefighters extinguish fires. And even more troubling is that it ruins us in ways that are difficult to identify and address. Besides, doubt and unbelief are not the same. Unbelief is single-minded; it is a heart decided and fixed on not believing God—the opposite of faith. Unlike unbelief, doubt is double-minded, undecided. It believes and does not believe at the same time leading to confusion and instability.
Therefore, doubt does not clearly demarcate itself. It co-exists with faith to produce a confusing heart state that James called double-mindedness: believing the Word of God and things that are contrary to the Word of God. E.g., believing God will heal and simultaneously believing one will die of the disease. James says such a person is unstable in all their ways and tossed like waves in the sea.
As believers, our primary faith problem is often not unbelief but doubt.
Space restriction will not allow me to share my struggles and battles with this enemy called doubt. All I can do is open the Word for you to see for yourself and take your heart to the Lord for help. This is even more important for those believers who are sure they are men or women of living faith, whereas the Lord looks at them and says, “son or daughter, I do not think so based on what I see in your heart”!
What is doubt? What is the difference between doubt and unbelief?
Apply the Word
The first step in solving doubt is acknowledging that you have a doubt problem. Then go to the Word and the Lord in prayer to find help.
Ask the Spirit to help you overcome doubt.
- Wherefore didst thou doubt?
- The Three-Tier Pyramid of Believing
- Why did John the Baptist Doubt if Jesus was the Messiah?
- What is a Devotional?
- View All Deshen Daily Devotionals
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