The Righteous are as Bold as a Lion

The wicked flee when no man pursueth: But the righteous are bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1, KJV)

The verse above brings out an interesting contrast between the righteous and the wicked. Remember that when the scriptures talk about the wicked, it is not in the sense of someone really evil, malicious or bad as we commonly would think. It simply means those who are not living according to the ways of God or have rejected the Word of God. In other words, the unrighteous as the contrast in this verse indicates.

It says the wicked person flees when no man is pursuing him. This is more than cowardice as it also speaks of the instability in their souls. A soul without God is restless.  The same chapter gives us a glaring example of this in verse 17 which talks about the guilt that torments someone who commits murder. They are fearful, unstable and restless. Sin has an eroding effect on the human soul.

In contrast, it says the righteous are as bold as a lion! There is a boldness that comes with an upright life. Righteousness strengthens the soul, infusing it with a matchless audacity. You are the righteousness of God in Christ! You stand uncondemned in His presence and that gives you an assurance and boldness in the presence of God. This boldness becomes buttressed by living a life of righteousness. You are not a chicken-hearted in Christ. You are as bold as a lion! Do not cringe inside in the world. Be bold and demonstrate the glory of God to the world around you!


Why is the righteous as bold as a lion? ( Hebrews. 4:16). What makes the heart of the wicked so faint and restless?


If we are chicken-hearted, we will not accomplish anything major in the kingdom of God. Boldness is critical to walk with God and carry out His will in this toxic environment that stands opposed to anything God. You have to be strong and very courageous to fulfill God’s plan in your life( Joshua 1:5-9). Cooperate with the Spirit to destroy every shyness and timidity in your life.


Ask the Spirit of the Lord to fill you with a fresh dimension of boldness. 

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