The Miracle Killer

But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? (Matthew 14:30–31, KJV)

A miracle can be lost. Similarly, some things can impede us from obtaining our miracles. Nothing has harassed my faith and robbed me of miracles, known and unknown, like this little five-lettered word called “doubt.” I will be honest and say God is truly not done with me yet in removing every trace of it from my heart. I wonder what is happening in your own life too.

Peter walked on water by faith but immediately doubt stepped in  he began to sink. The miracle was lost. Jesus asked him  “wherefore didst thou doubt?” clearly implying that doubt was the cause of the failure. Doubt is not the same as unbelief. It is somewhere in between faith and disbelief. It is wavering between two options, hesitating and uncertain if it will happen or not. Nothing will rob you of the supernatural like this attitude.

When the Lord began showing me the depths of doubts, I immediately started seeing its tremendous impact not only in my life but on many believers. There are many Christians who like Peter, are sinking and dying in God’s presence because of doubt. They pray for healing, for example, and the same heart believes God will heal them and at the same time is afraid of what will happen if they do not get healed! I pray thee, kill this miracle killer in your life! It has done enough damage to us already.


What is the difference between faith, unbelief, and doubt? How did Jesus relate faith and doubt in the verse above?


Interestingly, doubt is not something anyone of us chooses. It seems to occur automatically and spontaneously. These are spiritual tendencies in us which you cannot control with your mind. This is where the Word comes in. Faith, or the capacity to believe God’s Word, comes by hearing the Word! Train your heart in the Word!


Ask the Spirit of God to help you kill every doubt that has hindered the miraculous in your life. 

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