Do not be ignorant of Satan’s devices
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices (2 Corinthians 2:11 KJV)

Satan is not merely an idea for evil or a spiritual evil impersonal power. He is a spirit with intelligence and a mind, as the scripture above reveals. He is watching circumstances and will take advantage of any opportunity offered to him.
Paul reminds the Corinthians that they( Paul and the others) were not ignorant of Satan’s devices. Satan has methods or devices that he uses. He probably does not change them because they have always worked well since he deceived Eve in Eden. Furthermore, believers can be ignorant of Satan’s devices, allowing him to take advantage of them.
Paul and the believers he referred to as “we” were not ignorant of how Satan works. The question is this: what about you and me today? I have recognized that our ignorance of Satan’s devices is a powerful weapon in Satan’s hands against us. What do you think was the specific method that Satan uses which Paul had in mind in the verse above? Please read the preceding verse 2 Cor. 2:10 and see for yourself what Paul meant. Satan has the freedom to work when we do not forgive each other. Does that sound like spiritual warfare to you? Many will say “no,” which is an example of the ignorance of Satan in the Church that is devastating. Be not ignorant of Satan’s devices.
What comes to your mind when you think of the way Satan and demons attack us? Where did you get those ideas from?
I encourage everyone to do this: find all references to Satan in the scriptures, read those scriptures and note what the Lord says about how Satan acts or the methods He uses and compare those with popular ideas of spiritual warfare we have today. Be sober, be vigilant, and do not be ignorant of what the Lord has said about the way the enemy works amongst us.
imAsk the Father to show you all areas where Stan is taking advantage of you.
- Satan asked for worship in exchange for worldly glory
- Satan exposed: by the light of the Word
- One of Satan’s tricky strategies
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