The human response to the Word of God:the mystery of inactivating the Word

For unto us was the Gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the Word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it (Hebrews 4:2, KJV)

I began the mini-series on responding to the Word of God yesterday. I will review one important aspect I already mentioned before about the human response, which is the reality that a human being can inactivate God’s Word.

Heb. 4:2 above says the Gospel preached to the people of God in the wilderness did not profit them. It is possible for someone to receive the Word of God, and nothing happens to them. I know this might appear incompatible with our notion of God as all-powerful. Human beings can make the Word of God of no effect. 

The parable of the sower in Matthew 13 gives us a a vivid picture of how this occurs in different ways. God’s Word was sown in the first heart and nothing happened to the individual because they did not understand it. The same Word was sown in the second heart and there was no result either because those who received it were just excited without any commitment or foundation. The third heart received the Word of God but produced no fruit because they were  too occupied with all the problems we have in daily life, and the cares of life  choked the Word of God. The last heart received the same Word of God and produced abundant fruit. It is the same Word producing different results based on the condition of the heart.

Watch the condition of your heart. God’s Word, the Gospel, has come to all of us on earth and sadly enough, some will miss heaven and end up in hell, breaking Jesus’ heart. Some will be healed, and others will not. Some will be delivered from bondage and others will continue to suffer. Some will prosper and others will struggle financially, etc. One Word, producing different results because it meets different kinds of hearts. This is why you should never try to explain what happens to other people. You do not know their hearts. Just pray for them, and control what you can, that is, your own heart. 


Does the Word of God always produce the intended results in our lives? What are some of the reasons why God’s Word fails to produce the right results in our lives?


Watch the condition of your heart. Beware of the hardened heart and keep your heart always responsive and tender towards God.


Ask the Spirit to help you remove every obstacle that hindering God’s Word in your life.  

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