Can I Truly Be Worry-Free? 

“Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?” (Matt. 6:31 KJV).

Living on the earth is almost synonymous with having troubles and worries. It is such an integral part of the human experience that if someone does not worry about a situation, we might think that something is wrong with them!

The Lord brings His Word to us to show us a completely new way. He says “take no thought” about food, clothing, security, money, etc. The thoughts will come, but do not take hold of them! This is God’s way of life; it’s more than just a positive attitude. The reason behind God’s command to be worry-free is that He has said He will take care of the situation. It is not denial, but dependence on God. A worry-free life is a spiritual reality for the believer in Christ.


Are you very susceptible to thoughts of worry? Ponder the reality of the scripture above and let it sink into your heart.


Ask the Spirit to show you that it is possible not to worry.


Go ahead and respond to the Word now! What are you worried about that occupied your mind all night? God says do not take that thought today! Determine to let go of your bothersome thoughts and you will realize the power to achieve this will come. When the thought comes back, refuse to take it! Rather, remember the scripture above and speak it out.

Recommended Read: How to Apply God’s Power to Your Soul and Body

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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