Building a solid devotional life
“And she had a sister called Mary, who moreover was listening to the Lord’s word, seated at His feet” (Lk. 10:39 NAS).
Jesus visited Mary and Martha’s house in the scripture above, and while Martha was busy preparing dinner, Mary sat at Jesus’s feet listening to the Word. As you can imagine, Martha was upset and requested that Jesus rebuke Mary for her laziness in not paying attention to what was most important! To her amazement, Jesus replied, “But only a few things are necessary, really only one, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Lk. 10:42 NAS).
Fellowshipping with God is crucial for your spiritual and physical well-being as a Christian. Life will not give this to you as a Christmas gift, so you will have to fight for it. Satan begins the destruction of your life by slowly drawing you away from close fellowship with God, as the glow of your life begins to fade off like the glow of a piece of coal that ultimately becomes black after it is taken away from the burning furnace. A place where you meet personally with the Lord alone, visiting with Him in the Word and in prayer, is your key to a life of abundant victory and fruitfulness.
Why do you think Martha was upset about Mary’s attitude? See Luke 10:40.
A direct instruction from the scripture above is for us to learn how to sit at Jesus’s feet. Many believers say that they do not have the time to spend at God’s feet. Time is usually not the issue, but rather the wisdom to know what is important and how to apportion our time. We all know how to create time for what we KNOW is important. Many believers still DO NOT SEE why it is important, just like Martha above. Does your devotional life need some adjustments? If so, take a step to improve your time with the Lord and make your life glow this year.
Ask the Lord for the wisdom to know what to do with your time.
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