Blessed Yet Unblessed

..seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3 )

There is an enigma that seems to haunt many believers. Ever heard it taught that “you are blessed already”? “Or you are healed already”?

How can I be healed already while carrying this disease in my body for the past 5 years?

How can I be blessed already whereas I struggle to survive financially as long as I can remember being a Christian?

The word of God declares above, that everything we need for life and godliness has been granted to us, already. There are only two positions we can adopt with respect to this word. It is either God and His word are fake, or there is something we are missing. And each of us as believers will need to take a stand, and not linger in the middle ground.Sometimes as believers, we do not believe what we say we believe. It is either God’s word is true and dependable, or we are unable to obtain what God has already given to us.

One of the greatest revelations a believer can ever have with respect to living a super victorious life is to come to the place of knowing that God has already given to us all things that we need for life and godliness in Christ. And that this blessing is in His Word. It is no longer God’s choice, but ours, if we live in it or not.


The scripture above, like the others, is worth pondering deeply upon. If you take a hold of that revelation, your life will be changed forever. What are you in need of? Put that scripture in context. God has ALREADY granted it to you.

You therefore only need to learn how to receive from God. That is why you meditate and ponder upon the Word until you take a hold of it and it takes a hold of you. You now begin to see why things have been given to us and we don’t have them- God’s word has taken root in the lives of many believers.


Ask the Spirit to open your eyes to see that all things have been given to us. Then ask the Lord to show you why you are blessed but living an unblessed life. Also, ask Him to show you the steps to take to fully live in the blessing as promised in His word.

Recommended Read: How did God Give us all Spiritual Blessings?

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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