Blessed with all spiritual blessings

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3 KJV)

The book of Ephesians is an unraveling of the mysteries of the believer’s standing upon the lofty stance of the grace that is in Christ. Paul begins with the astonishing proclamation above that we have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in  Christ. Let me quickly review the word “blessed”.

The word “blessed” indicates it is something God has already done in the past. It is one of the most outstanding revelations of the grace that is in Christ which we receive by faith. When you come to the reality that God already blessed you in the past, it will rock your world. When Christ died and resurrected more than 2000 years ago, God gave to humanity all that He has ever planned to give us. In the mysteries of the operations of the spirit realm, you were forgiven even before you were born. In the same way, God healed you in Christ even before you became sick. If you restructure your thinking to start capturing spiritual reality outside of the limitations of physical time and space, mysteries like these will come to life!

God has already blessed you, and that blessing is in your spirit. All we need to do is to move that blessing from spirit to physical. God gave it to you by grace and you did nothing about it. But moving it from spirit to physical will require you to do something. That is where faith comes in. That is where living by the Word and Spirit come in. We receive the Holy Spirit at salvation.This is grace. You did nothing. You are already blessed with this from the new birth. However, not every believer manifests the power of the Spirit. If you want to see that power in your day-to-day life here on the earth, your input will be needed. That is where faith comes in. That is where prayer, the Word, impartation, the baptism of the Spirit etc come in. You are already blessed. It is your responsibility to learn how to cooperate with God to make that blessing a physical reality. 

Remember, you do not need healing in heavenly places or in your spirit. You need healing here for your body. You do not need prosperity hanging in heavenly places. You need it here to solve your financial problems at home, at work, etc.  There are blessings you need to enjoy here on the earth. They are not meant to be enjoyed after Jesus comes and takes us home. If Christ paid for it and gave it to you, receive it and use it. After all, He suffered for it, so why should you be apologetic about the blessings? Thank your Savior and figure out why you are not enjoying the blessings He has already given you.


How can you be blessed in heavenly places and yet not blessed physically?


Two things stand in the way between us and our blessings: revelation and faith ( Isaiah 53:1). Stir yourself in the Lord and take hold of the grace poured out upon you.


Thank the Lord for the wonderful blessing in Christ and ask the Spirit to help you learn how to reach out and  manifest  your blessings in Christ. 

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