The Battleground of Spiritual Warfare
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. (2 Corinthians 10:4 KJV)

The battleground or battlefield is the place where we battle with the enemy. So where do we engage Satan and demons in battle in our lives?
Most often, Christians who are spiritual warfare conscious, and especially Pentecostals, sadly assume the battleground of spiritual warfare is in heaven, out there in space, in the sea, some demonic shrine, etc. Consequently, they always seem to send spiritual missiles and arrows into these perceived battlegrounds. This thinking is a terrible error.
The battleground of spiritual warfare the Bible talks about, and not the types we have created, is in the minds and hearts of people. The enemy is not out there in space; he is closer to us than the skin on our bodies.
Occultism, sorcery, witchcraft, etc., are real, but these activities are only a minor part of our battle with demons. Depending on the part of the world you live in, they might be more prominent. However, the scriptures repeatedly show us that Satan’s primary battleground is in the minds of people: the temptation to sin, that strong opinion that resists God’s will in your life, inability to believe, spiritual blindness, bitterness, anxieties, depression, craving to control people through witchcraft, etc.
What is the greatest spiritual battle that ever took place since the Fall of man? It is the temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4:1-11. Contrary to what is often portrayed, this was not a clash of power, but a powerful temptation for Jesus to sin, an inner struggle.
Therefore guard your heart with all diligence, for that is the battleground for your life.
What does Paul refer to as strongholds in 2 Corinthians 10:4 above? Can you identify one or two personal strongholds in your own life?
Apply the Word
Know that you will deal with demons in different areas, but their primary battleground is your mind. Guard your thoughts, feelings, and will in the truth of the Word of God.
Ask the Spirit to help you identify any territory in your life Satan has already conquered so you can recover it immediately.
- What are Spiritual Strongholds?
- The Weapons of our Warfare are not carnal.
- God’s Battle Axe and Weapons of War
- What is a Devotional?
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